
15mm Polybian Roman

 Polybian Romans next, the other shoe of the Carthaginian/Roman matching pair that you can't really go wrong with. There long history of conflict with each other and all their neighbours allow enormous scope for campaigns and scenarios with an all star cast of colourful personalities backed by most of the various peoples of the western Mediterranean. This all began as a Essex Camillan Roman blue box army from, I think, the mid to late nineties. It was my first DBA army and while most of them got sold off over the years some of the survivors can still be seen in the ranks, look for the big heads. TRIUMPH! Generals Javelin Cavalry (including General) Roman horsemen figures LtoR: Quick Reaction Force, War Modelling. DBx Generals Equites(DBx) figures:Essex Elite Foot (including General) Legionaries figures: Essex. Elite Foot (Red) Legionaries Triarii Principes Hastati figures: Essex. Elite Foot (Blue) Legionaries Triarii Principes Hastati figures: Essex. Elite Foot (Yellow) Legionarie

15mm Carthaginians

 Carthaginians and Romans are a classic pair for ancient wargamers so this is almost a must have at some point.  As mentioned in my Ancient Greeks post, the beginnings of this army started something like twenty years ago with Greek Hoplites and other merc types so I could cludge together a Carthaginian army for a DBM tournament. It was pretty much forgotten after that but, much like all my projects, over the years I come back to it from time to time and add a little more and this is were we currently stand. I've touched up and partly repainted (to a greater or lesser degree as required) the old figures and mixed in some new ones to fill out the ranks just because bigger armies are always better armies. Lastly I've rebased the lot just for the sake of coherency since they're pretty much just a bunch of mercenaries. This is still an ongoing project and I'm still umming and ahing over how to base my cavalry since I'm not crazy about rebasing DBA three to a base cavalr