History of the Runestaff.


Mulling over how I'm going to paint these guys and present on a 4cm square base, perhaps, for Fantastic Battles. A couple of painted samples to get me going.

 Order of the Bull.

Order of the Boar converted to pikeman.

Finished my first batch to go with my test figure, I approve. Now I need to simplify and speed up the painting process because it took way too long. 
I'll have a bit of a struggle to get the pack content poses to rank up on a base in a reasonable way so I don't have too much wasteage and also be able to have each unit make base to base contact with other units as painlessly as possible.

The first of the Granbretan mounted I've gotten hold of.

300MMH014 - All single piece castings.

300MMH015 - Seperate rider and mount.

300MMH016 - Centre left figure is a single casting while the others are seperate horse and rider.



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