15mm Neo-Babylonians

Later Neo-Babylonian 669 BC to 605 BC. 

This is the main list I've chosen from the Washington Grand Company ruleset TRIUMPH! to organize my Babylonians around, though I expect with a bit of fudging and additional units they could be used for other Babylonian lists or even to expand my Assyrian army as required.

The figures are mostly Essex, with a few Museum and Chariot miniatures mixed in. The chariots and Qurbuti horsemen are old figures I've attempted to tart up with a lick of paint and rebasing as a nucleus for the rest of the army to form around.

4-horse chariots with three crew (including General).

Javelin Cavalry
Qurbuti horsemen.

Bad Horse
Qurbuti, Chaldean, Aramaean, or militia horsemen.

Qurbuti infantry.

Bow Levy

At the moment I don't have a dedicated camp for this army so for the time being I'll be using a rather nice bit of scratch building work I got off  eBay that gives the "Great Man" an excellent view of the proceedings while maintaining appropriate distance from the raucous clamour.


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