15mm Middle-Earth Goblins

A long time ambition of mine has been to fight the Battle of Five Armies in miniature, so long that I no longer remember when it began. No doubt sometime after discovering The Lord of the Rings amongst the multitude of books in the school library, Dungeons & Dragons and the drift from roleplaying to miniature skirmishing. 

Somewhere along the way I eventually settled on 15mm for this ambition, though I have vacillated often towards other sizes over the journey and still do, and have been collecting dribs and drabs from various ranges for decades now, I've been painting dribs for decades now.

Despite this less than coherent approach, we have somehow arrived at the point where, while not having a finished product, I am in a position to show something maybe worthy of a look.

This is far from finished, it may never be finished. It is intended as a force pool of elements that I can draw on to organize armies for the miniature rules HOTT and TRIUMPH! and possibly DBM. I still have many plans to expand some of what's been done and add further troop types.

Raider General
My current Bolg

Raider General
Goblin Chief

Goblin Bodyguard

Bow Levy
Massed bow armed Goblins

Sniping Goblins



Lastly, for the moment, a shadow lurking in the distance.

Next up, heavy infantry, horde and a tidy up of my wolf riders and wargs.

I've been collecting various Orcs and Goblins for a long long time and this was, I think, a moderately successful effort to bring some different manufacturers together and make them work as a group. The three I used in this batch were Irregular, Eureka and Tin Soldier.

Some vanity shots of the boys.

The Age of Men is over. The time of the Orc has come


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