15mm Ancient Italians

 Originally this started as a Campanian Army for DBA, add in mission creep and it became a double Campanian army for DBA. Why, dunno, other than I'd overbought as usual from a lot of different manufacturers so had plenty to mix together. That and they painted up nicely and looked rather colourful when done so over doing it was not so hard.

The basing is a bit all over the place I'm afraid since my inclinations tilted towards TRIUMPH!. I couldn't be bothered rebasing and, not being finished that long ago at the time, just ended up painting more guys to make up the various troop types required. Also trying to cover as many of the various Italian peoples as possible even if not strictly suitable.

So, fudging. A lot of fudging.

As with my Greeks, and a lot of the peoples around at this time, they quite often show up as contingents in other armies so having a few is always useful when some thirsty mercs are needed to bolster the ranks.

Javelin Cavalry (including General)

figures: Essex, Forged in Battle.

Javelin Cavalry

figures: QRF riders, Essex horses.

figures: Essex.

Bad Horse (including General)
Italian ally horsemen (DBA Campanians or Roman allies)

figures: Essex, QRF.

figures: Essex, Old Glory.

Bad Horse 
Italian ally horsemen (DBA Campanians or Roman allies)

figures: Essex, QRF, Old Glory.

Heavy Foot
figures: Essex, Old Glory.
figures: Essex, some Old Glory heads.

Raiders (including General)
figures: FinB, Old Glory.

figures: FinB.

figures: Old Glory, FinB, Essex.

figures: Old Glory, FinB, Essex.

figures: Old Glory, FinB, Essex.

Light Foot
Light infantry

figures: Old Glory, FinB, Essex and a lone Chariot.

figures: Old Glory.


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